Frequently Asked Questions
Learn about our SpecialTEES, our custom design offerings, and more.
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Generally, preshrunk apparel are not expected to shrink. Preshrunk shirts may continue to shrink if not given proper care. Typically, preshrunk cotton t-shirts washed in cool water on a delicate cycle will hold their shape and resist shrinking.
Preshrinking does not eliminate the possibility of all future shrinkage. What it does is remove some of the air from the weave of the fabric, making it less likely that the shirt can shrink too much more.
While preshrunk shirts will resist shrinking in the wash, you may see anywhere from 1% to 5% of further shrinking in your preshrunk shirt. If you like the shirt exactly how it fits you when you bought it, you may want to try air drying it instead of placing it in the dryer. If you do not expose the shirt to heat, it should not shrink at all!
We recommend washing your t-shirts inside out, with cold water and using mild detergent. Dry shirts using a low-heat setting. The majority of our shirts are 100% cotton, as such shrinking can occur on higher heat settings.
Our t-shirts and sweatshirts are a classic fit, also called the traditional fit, emphasizing comfort and precise cut throughout the chest and waist. They have a broader cut across the shoulders and sides.
We highly recommend reviewing our Sizing Guide to assist you in choosing your size.
You can upload your design to the order form and fill in the details, and we will take care of the printing for you.
We offer free shipping with a minimum order of $60.
Top Quality SpecialTEES
A unique fashion statement that reflects your personality. Grab one of our trendy pre-designed t-shirts or create your very own masterpiece!